Automax Nanotech Fuel Enhancer (NFE)

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes AutoMax NFE different from other fuel additives in the market?
Conventional additives (such as octane boosters and fuel injector cleaners) are primarily designed to correct specific problems, AutoMax NFE gives multiple benefits and improves overall performance for any engine, new or old. Use AutoMax NFE to add more mileage to your fuel budget while enjoying a smoother ride.

Will AutoMax NFE damage the engine?
Absolutely not. Laboratory tests prove that fuel treated with AutoMax NFE is non-corrosive to all metal, rubber and plastic engine components. It will actually protect and prolong the life of your engine because it automatically cleans the engine combustion chamber each time you use it.

Will AutoMax NFE affect my vehicle warranty?
Used as directed, AutoMax NFE will not void new vehicle warranties. AutoMax NFE has a 15 billion km track record and an international warranty without a claim.

How soon can I expect the benefits of AutoMax NFE?
You can feel the engine power increase almost immediately. For full benefits, including fuel savings, it may take the course of two or three tanks of fuel to condition the engine, depending on the age and condition of the vehicle.

My car is new. Should I use AutoMax NFE?
Yes. Engine carbon deposits will begin within a month or 1,000 km travelled. It is better to use AutoMax NFE to maintain top performance and help reduce your engine’s wear and tear.

What if my vehicle is poor, old and not regularly maintained?
Be sure to clean or replace the fuel filter (rust or dirt may have deposited) before you use AutoMax NFE. Once you've done that and started using AutoMax NFE, you shouldn't experience problems like engine hesitation, poor starting or slow acceleration anymore. If you still experience jerkiness, you may not be using enough of the additive. Use more to correct the problem.

What happens if I overdose or underdose?
If you overdose accidentally, you will still enjoy all benefits of AutoMax NFE – It will not harm your engine. If you underdose, it may not give you all of its benefits.

Will AutoMax NFE affect the catalytic converter?
No, by significantly reducing pollutants inside the combustion chamber, AutoMax improves and enhances its performance.

What if I decide to stop using AutoMax NFE?
There is no harm to your car. However, your car will soon revert to its original performance level – less power and acceleration, and increased fuel consumption.

How does AutoMax NFE reduce maintenance costs and extend engine life?
Lubricating oil in the engine sump becomes black and dirty over time and needs to be changed regularly to ensure longer engine life. This oil is contaminated with unburned fuel, heavy carbon residue from incomplete combustion, and broken combustion chamber deposits. AutoMax NFE significantly reduces the number of slow burn and misfire cycles while promoting more complete combustion and cleaning combustion chamber deposits. The engine lubricating oil remains cleaner, resulting in extended engine life and reduced maintenance costs.

Is AutoMax NFE an octane booster?
No, but the use of AutoMax NFE reduces the octane requirement of the engine, which means you can use 92 octane fuel and still enjoy the benefits of 97 octane fuel.